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Framework for PC:

Framework for PC

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Framework for PC: Download Trial - Thank You

Thank you for requesting a free trial of Framework for PC.


  1. Download the software onto a Windows-based machine.
  2. Download the free “app” and software from (toll free- 866-478-1805)
  3. Use your iPAD to remote into the PC and run Framework for PC.

If your MAC has parallel software and can run in a Windows environment, download Framework for PC to the Windows side of your machine.

Questions or Problems?
Please email or call Rick Welsh at 919-352-2214 (cell) or 919-499-6695 (office).

Please click the red button below to download a free trial of Framework version 10.40:


Click the link, click save (choose desktop), wait for the software to download. Then double click the icon and click Run. Enjoy!

Technical stuff: The .exe file is 151 MB. Download time will vary depending upon the speed of your internet connection.

For Current Users. Before you download this version of Framework for PC:
- Users of version 8.70 or higher: Simply install this software over your existing software. All data will be preserved.
- Users of version 8.69 or lower
: Before you upgrade to this new version, please create a backup copy of your current Framework data folder. To do this, please open My Computer, open C:, open the FRAMEWRK folder. Select the DATA09 folder. Right-click and select Copy. Then click on your desktop. Right-click and select Paste. After the folder has copied to the desktop, please proceed to the next step.

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