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Staff Development:

Co-teaching & Inclusion

Phase I: Teaming Theory
Deep Training
Client Contributions
How Can We Measure Co-Teaching?
Co-teaching Rubric
Teams Analyzing Co-Teaching (TAC-T)


Co-Teaching & Inclusion: Introduction to Teaming Theory & Curriculum Adaptation

Phase I / Initial, large group training is characterized by a high degree of input and participation from the Regular and Special Education staff with minimal emphasis placed on lecture. The models for co-teaching and adapting instruction are presented in the morning session. Participants are provided opportunities to compare and contrast their current practices with the models presented.

The remainder of the Phase I training addresses actual instruction in the inclusion classroom. Participants will become the students. The room will be reorganized to model how to set up an inclusion class for instruction under this model. Participants will be placed in groups based on their learning styles and will receive instruction in all 4 content areas. (Math, Language Arts/English, Social Studies/History, and Science.)

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