Residency training consists of targeted intervention at the classroom level. The need for intervention is determined by conferencing with the building administrators and collection of baseline observational data. Depending on the need for intervention, some teams/classrooms may receive more intensive or frequent intervention than others. Classrooms targeted for intervention may include: inclusion classrooms where co-teaching is taking place, resource classrooms or general education classrooms. Interventions include facilitated planning, interactive observations, post-observation feedback, teacher interviews and presentations of curriculum-imbedded, strategy-based instruction.
Meetings with Individual Teachers - Brainstorming Sessions:
Individual teachers, or co-teaching partners can sign up for 20-30 minute time slots. During the time allocated, I will provide numerous strategies for teaching the concepts that they will be teaching in future lessons. I will also provide assistance in providing instructional strategies that will address individual students within the context of whole class instruction.
Presentations to Groups of Teachers:
90 - 120 minute sessions of strategy-based instruction. Focus can be narrowed to grade level or subject area. These sessions can often be planned during planning periods to eliminate the need for substitutes.
Observations of Teaching:
You may schedule as many co-teaching teams (or individual teachers) as you wish to be observed, providing you allocate enough time for each of the 3 observation modules and organize classrooms for instruction as demonstrated and modeled in Phase I and II of the training. Co-teaching Teams or individual teachers may receive more than one observation if needed in order to help them acquire the needed skills to function more effectively with the model.
- Data Collection: 45 to 60 classroom minute observation. During the observation, I will collect data and may, if the team members request it, provide suggestions in real time to alter the course of instruction.
- Report Writing: 20 to 30 minutes per observation will be required to analyze the data and generate a report.
- Debriefing Meetings: 30 to 45 minutes per team to share data and debrief the lesson.
Organizing the classrooms for observation: Please remember that any classrooms targeted for observation need to be organized with students in groups of three as demonstrated and modeled in Phase I and II training. Almost all instructional strategies generated by this model are based on student to student interaction and research has shown that groups of 3 yield the best results.
- No pre-observation, I just go in and observe than then debrief as described in the next section.
- 30 to 45 minute pre-observation. During this time, co-teaching teams fill out the co-teaching analysis questionnaire and we discuss the lesson that they will be co-teaching. Discussion with teams revolves around how they intend to share instructional responsibilities and meet the needs of identified students within the parameters of the lesson to be taught. Discussion with individual teachers will focus on instructional strategies.
- 90-minute pre-observation/facilitated planning session. All of section 2 plus my input on how to rework aspects of the lesson. We will prepare materials as needed for the team to teach the adapted lesson. If an Individual teacher is targeted, I will co-teach the lesson with them if needed.
If both team members of the co-teaching team (or the individual teacher) have not been through training, it would be good to start off with a 30 to 45 minute pre-observation meeting. During that meeting, I would try to give them the background needed to make them aware of the purpose and outcomes of the observation.