TimerData Plus Behavioral Observation Software: Testimonials Please note: Some testimonials cite TimerData, the software version prior to TimerData Plus. - Laura Riffel, Behavior Doctor Laura Riffel, Behavior Doctor "I can't begin to tell you what a lifesaver the TimerData program has been to my job. I am a behavior specialist and the majority of my job consists of assisting teachers to conduct a functional behavior assessment to write a meaningful behavior intervention plan. This used to mean tons of papers flying all over the fax lines, trying to read someone else's handwriting, inaccurate data that was written down after the incident occurred, and a myriad of other human errors. After all of that, it was up to me to spend hours creating an excel file and entering all of this data into the file so I could show the team the results of the functional assessment. The TimerData system is a software tool; no tool is too generic of a word, gem is more the correct terminology. The TimerData system allows me to use the twelve function keys as twelve separate timers collecting frequency and duration data on three conditions and nine behaviors. I can walk into a classroom, do a 30 minute sample, turn the computer around and show the instructor instant results of the first observation. After seeing the ability to use data to make data-based decisions, it is easy to convince the teachers to collect ten more days of data for me to use as the official functional behavior assessment. Before TimerData, it would take sometimes two months to get ten days of data back from a classroom teacher, they just could not envision the value of taking data for ten days. I am so happy to be able to improve the quality of life not only for the students with whom I work, but also for the teachers and other students in the class for whom learning was impeded by the behavior of those with problem behaviors. TimerData has made my job so much easier. The most remarkable feature is the one button ease in creating graphs. This one feature was an unbelievable addition to the already charming program. TimerData should come in a package shaped like a horse because it is my knight in shining armour riding to the rescue. Thank you for marketing this valuable product." Laura A. Riffel, Ph.D. Special Education Teacher "I am Donna L. Murrell-Speed. I teach Special Education classes at Henry McNeal Turner Middle School in Atlanta, Georgia. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to use the TimerData Software. I have taught children that are certified as Emotional/Behavior Disordered for the past 22 years. My question to you is, Where Have You Been? Your software is a dream come true. I am now able to observe behaviors with a precise mode of frequency and duration while writing the anecdotal as an add on script to describe the event at that particular time. This has enabled me to display both quantitative and qualitative data that enhances the decision making process to the child's least restrictive environment. This methods of observation promotes Action Research. In 1992, Carl Glickman stated that, "AR in education is conducted by colleagues in a school setting where the results of their activities improve instruction." Emily Calhoun, in 1994, stated that, "AR is a fancy way of saying let's study what's happening at our school and decide how to make it a better place." These are the bases from which the theory of AR thrives because it represents a growing field of educational research that designed a process that empowers all participants by improving the practices conducted in the educational process. Richard Sagor, in 2000, stated that, "AR is a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and for those taking the action." The primary reason for engaging in AR is to assist the "actor" in improving and/or refining his or her action. Overall, AR has been described as informal, qualitative, formative, subjective, interpretive, reflective and experimental model of investigations in which all parties may collaborate through participatory AR, which should change un-beneficial situations that hamper the success of effective teaching practices. Michael Myers, 1997, stated that AR's aim was to contribute to the practical concerns through displaying the problems, derive at a solution and then display the work of art and continue this cyclic process. According to Jeffrey Glanz (1998), AR has more faith in practitioners and professional educators than research scientist (p. 3). Educational leaders and practitioners are more hands on with our approaches and can plan by using task analysis. A school year will allow for a short and long-term approach to solving the problems at hand. Many school issues take place on a daily basis. Times have changed and so have teaching strategies. We need to change our ways by declaring that there is a problem and focus on what we want to change. We can go into a systems thinking mode by determining all the parts and then predicting the whole. This is what TimerData does for the praticioner. Thank you for helping us to bring the plan to another level." Consultant for the Emotionally Disturbed "Thank you for the teleconference tutorial on your TimerData program.
Your patient and calm voice helped me feel that I was in a "safe learning
environment". You're an excellent teacher. Lenora Peterson,
Consultant for the Emotionally Disturbed School Psychologist "The TimerData program offers many options in recording a student's behavior in real time that is not possible with traditional methods of data collection (i.e. paper pencil methods of momentary samples, duration intervals, and frequency counts). The program allows one to collect data and evaluate under what conditions the behavior occurs, antecedent behavior, percentage of time the student is engaged in the behavior, and the ability to script or take notes on specific aspects of the observation. I think this tool will allow a more precise way to gather information on students and allow better problem solving and decision making efforts to happen on behalf of school teams. I plan to use this tool to gather information for functional behavioral assessments; a way to look at the student's progress over time; and insure that the positive behavior supports that are implemented are being effective." Cathy Doherty,
Boise School Psychologist University Professor "Timerdata Observation/Data Collection Software has proven to be the easiest and most economical tool I use during practicum and internship observation. Having a technology program that will concomitantly track twelve different behaviors of my choosing has made my paper, pencil, and stopwatch obsolete. Timerdata has enabled me to provide pre- and in-service teachers with hard data and graphs immediately regarding their practices. The program has served as a great resource for all of us. I have been able to show teachers the rate and frequency at which they provide student reinforcement and the direct effect their use of behavioral/learning strategies has on student behavior. This type of collection has allow teachers to also monitor and evaluate their own work and has lead to
Dr. Francie R. Murry, Coordinator, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Program Coordinator Behavior Intervention Program "TimerData software is the most useful software for behavior specialists to collect data on individuals in natural environments. With the ease of configuring the software to collect targeted data in an A-B-C format and data that can be immediately viewed in graphic form, TimerData is a significant contribution to our field. We look forward to using this software in the Behavioral Intervention Program." Marty Smith,
Behavioral Intervention Program "I have found the software very helpful with this particular client. Its design allows me to more precisely measure the duration of several behaviors at once without having to use multiple stopwatches; this has also enabled me to reduce the likelihood of missing the occurrences of frequency behaviors because I am not distracted by the stopwatches." Angela S. Goodrich, MS, BCBA,
Certified Behavior Analyst "I have started using TimerData last year to conduct my observations with children. It allows me to set the conditions and criteria to fit my specific needs and gives me wonderfully accurate data. I love how easy it is to use and how professional it looks when presented to staff and parents. Even the customer service is amazing! As soon as I tried the trial, I knew I couldn’t be a behavior coach without it!" Jennifer Gnau,
Behavior Coach
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